With heating
- Αναλώσιμα Εργαστηρίων 73
- Αντιδραστήρια 28
- Βελόνες βιοψίας 27
- Εξοπλισμός 150
- Εργαστηριακοί Αναδευτήρες 20
- Θάλαμοι Κλιματικών Συνθηκών 10
- Θάλαμοι νηματικής ροής 1
- Θερμαινόμενες πλάκες 8
- Θερμαντικοί μανδύες (απλοί και με ανάδευση) 13
- απλοί 9
- με ανάδευση 4
- Θερμοαντιδραστήρες (Thermoblock) 4
- Καταψύκτες 3
- Κλίβανοι 20
- Λουτρά Άμμου/Dry baths 2
- Λουτρό υπερήχων 13
- Πεχάμετρα 1
- Πιπέττες 7
- Προσδιορισμός σημείου Τήξης 2
- Πυραντήρια/Φούρνοι 8
- Συσκευές Απόσταξης 2
- Συσκευές ηλεκτροφόρησης 0
- Υδατόλουτρα 19
- Φούρνοι, Oven, 9
- Φυγόκεντροι 6
- Ψυγεία 2
Προβάλλονται όλα - 9 αποτελέσματα
Ultrasonic bath with 50 lt – LBS 3
Ultrasonic bath of 50 lt
Ultrasonic baths are laboratory equipment working with ultrasound technology to destroy impurities on working equipment, with good results in only few seconds, saving time in comparison with manual cleaning.
These instruments are mainly used in labs, but also in dental or medical surgery and for mechanical and industrial applications, wherever there are tools that must be cleaned effectively and quickly.
Ultrasonic bath with heating and degass-sweep-pulse mode LBS-DE 10 lt
Ultrasonic bath with 10 liter heating capacity
Ultrasonic baths are devices that utilize ultrasound technology to eliminate even the most stubborn impurities, achieving a more accurate result in a few seconds compared to manual cleaning, with significant time savings.
These tools are widely used in laboratories, dental or medical practices, as well as in mechanical and industrial sectors, wherever quick and effective cleaning of work tools is required.
Ultrasonic bath with heating and degass-sweep-pulse mode LBS-DE 3 lt
Ultrasonic bath with 3-liter heating capacity
Ultrasonic baths are devices that utilize ultrasound technology to eliminate even the most stubborn impurities, achieving a more accurate result in a few seconds compared to manual cleaning, with significant time savings.
These tools are widely used in laboratories, dental or medical practices, as well as in mechanical and industrial sectors, wherever quick and effective cleaning of work tools is required.
Ultrasonic bath with heating and degass-sweep-pulse modeLBS-DE 22,5 lt
Ultrasonic bath with 22,5-liter heating capacity
Ultrasonic baths are devices that utilize ultrasound technology to eliminate even the most stubborn impurities, achieving a more accurate result in a few seconds compared to manual cleaning, with significant time savings.
These tools are widely used in laboratories, dental or medical practices, as well as in mechanical and industrial sectors, wherever quick and effective cleaning of work tools is required.
Ultrasonic bath with heating LBS 1 – H 10 lt
Ultrasonic baths are laboratory equipment working with ultrasound technology to destroy impurities on working equipment, with good results in only few seconds, saving time in comparison with manual cleaning.
These instruments are mainly used in labs, but also in dental or medical surgery and for mechanical and industrial applications, wherever there are tools that must be cleaned effectively and quickly.
Ultrasonic bath with heating LBS 1 – H 3 lt
Ultrasonic baths are laboratory equipment working with ultrasound technology to destroy impurities on working equipment, with good results in only few seconds, saving time in comparison with manual cleaning.
These instruments are mainly used in labs, but also in dental or medical surgery and for mechanical and industrial applications, wherever there are tools that must be cleaned effectively and quickly.
Ultrasonic bath with heating, multi-frequency and adjustable power LBS 2 – 15 lt
Ultrasonic baths are laboratory equipment working with ultrasound technology to destroy impurities on working equipment, with good results in only few seconds, saving time in comparison with manual cleaning.
These instruments are mainly used in labs, but also in dental or medical surgery and for mechanical and industrial applications, wherever there are tools that must be cleaned effectively and quickly.
Ultrasonic bath with heating, multi-frequency and adjustable power LBS 2 – 4.5 lt
Ultrasonic baths are laboratory equipment working with ultrasound technology to destroy impurities on working equipment, with good results in only few seconds, saving time in comparison with manual cleaning.
These instruments are mainly used in labs, but also in dental or medical surgery and for mechanical and industrial applications, wherever there are tools that must be cleaned effectively and quickly.