- Αναλώσιμα Εργαστηρίων 73
- Αντιδραστήρια 28
- Βελόνες βιοψίας 27
- Εξοπλισμός 150
- Εργαστηριακοί Αναδευτήρες 20
- Θάλαμοι Κλιματικών Συνθηκών 10
- Θάλαμοι νηματικής ροής 1
- Θερμαινόμενες πλάκες 8
- Θερμαντικοί μανδύες (απλοί και με ανάδευση) 13
- απλοί 9
- με ανάδευση 4
- Θερμοαντιδραστήρες (Thermoblock) 4
- Καταψύκτες 3
- Κλίβανοι 20
- Λουτρά Άμμου/Dry baths 2
- Λουτρό υπερήχων 13
- Πεχάμετρα 1
- Πιπέττες 7
- Προσδιορισμός σημείου Τήξης 2
- Πυραντήρια/Φούρνοι 8
- Συσκευές Απόσταξης 2
- Συσκευές ηλεκτροφόρησης 0
- Υδατόλουτρα 19
- Φούρνοι, Oven, 9
- Φυγόκεντροι 6
- Ψυγεία 2
Βλέπετε 1–12 από 278 αποτελέσματα
2 θέσεων με 2 ξεχωριστές δεξαμενές
The FALC WB - U baths for extractors are available with single baths for the WB - U models, and multiple baths insulated separately with glass fibre for the WB - S models, for simultaneous precise operation of each tank at different temperatures. Each tank is fitted with a filling and level device whilst the WB - U model is also fitted with a hole for a thermometer. All baths are provided whit a bimetallic temperature regulator with graduated centigrade scale and sensor for each tank.
2 θέσεων σε μία κοινή δεξαμενή
The FALC WB - U baths for extractors are available with single baths for the WB - U models, and multiple baths insulated separately with glass fibre for the WB - S models, for simultaneous precise operation of each tank at different temperatures.
Each tank is fitted with a filling and level device whilst the WB - U model is also fitted with a hole for a thermometer.
All baths are provided whit a bimetallic temperature regulator with graduated centigrade scale and sensor for each tank.
2xYT Broth (Auto Induction Medium)
4 θέσεων με 4 ξεχωριστές δεξαμενές
The FALC WB - U baths for extractors are available with single baths for the WB - U models, and multiple baths insulated separately with glass fibre for the WB - S models, for simultaneous precise operation of each tank at different temperatures.
Each tank is fitted with a filling and level device whilst the WB - U model is also fitted with a hole for a thermometer.
All baths are provided whit a bimetallic temperature regulator with graduated centigrade scale and sensor for each tank.
4 θέσεων σε μία κοινή δεξαμενή
The FALC WB - U baths for extractors are available with single baths for the WB - U models, and multiple baths insulated separately with glass fibre for the WB - S models, for simultaneous precise operation of each tank at different temperatures.
Each tank is fitted with a filling and level device whilst the WB - U model is also fitted with a hole for a thermometer.
All baths are provided whit a bimetallic temperature regulator with graduated centigrade scale and sensor for each tank.
6 θέσεων με 6 ξεχωριστές δεξαμενές
The FALC WB - U baths for extractors are available with single baths for the WB - U models, and multiple baths insulated separately with glass fibre for the WB - S models, for simultaneous precise operation of each tank at different temperatures. Each tank is fitted with a filling and level device whilst the WB - U model is also fitted with a hole for a thermometer. All baths are provided whit a bimetallic temperature regulator with graduated centigrade scale and sensor for each tank.
6 θέσεων σε μία κοινή δεξαμενή
The FALC WB - U baths for extractors are available with single baths for the WB - U models, and multiple baths insulated separately with glass fibre for the WB - S models, for simultaneous precise operation of each tank at different temperatures.
Each tank is fitted with a filling and level device whilst the WB - U model is also fitted with a hole for a thermometer.
All baths are provided whit a bimetallic temperature regulator with graduated centigrade scale and sensor for each tank.