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2 θέσεων με 2 ξεχωριστές δεξαμενές

The FALC WB - U baths for extractors are available with single baths for the WB - U models, and multiple baths insulated separately with glass fibre for the WB - S models, for simultaneous precise operation of each tank at different temperatures. Each tank is fitted with a filling and level device whilst the WB - U model is also fitted with a hole for a thermometer. All baths are provided whit a bimetallic temperature regulator with graduated centigrade scale and sensor for each tank.

2 θέσεων σε μία κοινή δεξαμενή

The FALC WB - U baths for extractors are available with single baths for the WB - U models, and multiple baths insulated separately with glass fibre for the WB - S models, for simultaneous precise operation of each tank at different temperatures. Each tank is fitted with a filling and level device whilst the WB - U model is also fitted with a hole for a thermometer. All baths are provided whit a bimetallic temperature regulator with graduated centigrade scale and sensor for each tank.

2xYT Broth (Auto Induction Medium)

Αφυδατωμένη σκόνη για την παρασκευή 2xYT θρεπτικού χωρίς υπολειπόμενα στοιχεία, με γλυκόζη και άλφα λακτόζη για την αυτόματη επαγωγή της έκφρασης πρωτεϊνών υπό τον έλεγχο των επαγώγιμων προαγωγών IPTG στο Escherichia coli.

4 θέσεων με 4 ξεχωριστές δεξαμενές

The FALC WB - U baths for extractors are available with single baths for the WB - U models, and multiple baths insulated separately with glass fibre for the WB - S models, for simultaneous precise operation of each tank at different temperatures. Each tank is fitted with a filling and level device whilst the WB - U model is also fitted with a hole for a thermometer. All baths are provided whit a bimetallic temperature regulator with graduated centigrade scale and sensor for each tank.

4 θέσεων σε μία κοινή δεξαμενή

The FALC WB - U baths for extractors are available with single baths for the WB - U models, and multiple baths insulated separately with glass fibre for the WB - S models, for simultaneous precise operation of each tank at different temperatures. Each tank is fitted with a filling and level device whilst the WB - U model is also fitted with a hole for a thermometer. All baths are provided whit a bimetallic temperature regulator with graduated centigrade scale and sensor for each tank.

6 θέσεων με 6 ξεχωριστές δεξαμενές

The FALC WB - U baths for extractors are available with single baths for the WB - U models, and multiple baths insulated separately with glass fibre for the WB - S models, for simultaneous precise operation of each tank at different temperatures. Each tank is fitted with a filling and level device whilst the WB - U model is also fitted with a hole for a thermometer. All baths are provided whit a bimetallic temperature regulator with graduated centigrade scale and sensor for each tank.

6 θέσεων σε μία κοινή δεξαμενή

The FALC WB - U baths for extractors are available with single baths for the WB - U models, and multiple baths insulated separately with glass fibre for the WB - S models, for simultaneous precise operation of each tank at different temperatures. Each tank is fitted with a filling and level device whilst the WB - U model is also fitted with a hole for a thermometer. All baths are provided whit a bimetallic temperature regulator with graduated centigrade scale and sensor for each tank.

Adhesive PCR sealing films

Μεμβράνες κάλυψης 96-well plate για PCR ή υψηλής καθαρότητας για qPCR. Διαθέσιμες και σε ρολό, σε strips, προ-τρυπημένες, διαπερατές για


Το GRS Agarose LE είναι μια τυπική αγαρόζη καθαρότητας μοριακής βιολογίας, κατάλληλη για όλες τις αναλυτικές και προπαρασκευαστικές ηλεκτροφορήσεις νουκλεϊκών οξέων και παρασκευής πηκτής/τζελ αγαρόζης. Επιτρέπει την ηλεκτροφόρηση τμημάτων 100 bp ως 15 kb, ανάλογα με το ποσοστό της πηκτής.

AHN myPette® Pro, οίκος Capp/AHN Γερμανίας

Οι πιπέττες τύπου AHN myPette® Pro του οίκου Capp/AHN Γερμανίας είναι κατασκευασμένες από άριστα υλικά που προσφέρουν μεγάλη αντοχή και

Aluminum hotplate DX, +5 amb. +250,0 °C

Ideal for precision thermostating applications. Option to place up to 40 slides. The aluminium plate ensures good temperature uniformity. The temperature is controlled by a PID microprocessor and PT100 probe.