Xpert Fast Probe

Το Probe Xpert Fast Probe (uni) 2X mastermix ανιχνεύει και ενισχύει το DNA στην Qpcr αντίδραση με βάση την τεχνολογία των ανιχνευτών (probes). Για υψηλή απόδοση, γρήγορο κύκλο, το qPCR με χρήση Probe Xpert Fast Probe (uni) 2X mastermix περιέχει όλα τα συστατικά, εκτός από εκκινητές και πρότυπο, για την γρήγορη ενίσχυση και την ανίχνευση DNA σε qPCR με βάση ένα ευρύ φάσμα τεχνολογιών που βασίζονται σε ανιχνευτές.

For high performance, fast cycling, qPCR using Probe Xpert Fast Probe (uni) 2X mastermix contains all components, except primers and template, for the amplification and detection of DNA in qPCR based on a wide range of probe-based technologies.

Main application: extremely high sensitivity and specificity qPCR with Probe

Xpert Fast Probe (uni) 2X mastermix contains all components, except primers and template, for the amplification and detection of DNA in qPCR based on a wide range of probe-based technologies, including Taqman®, Molecular Beacons® and Scorpion probes®. It consists of the combination of a highly efficient enzyme with a novel low inhibitory technology.

Xpert Fast Probe (uni) can be used to quantify virtually any DNA target, including extremely low-copy number targets, with minimal effort and optimization.

Xpert Fast Probe (uni) 2X mastermix is supplied with a separate vial of ROX reference dye, so it can be used with most real-time PCR instruments.

– Early Ct values – Rapid extenstion rate
– High Efficiency in multiplex reactions
– High Efficiency in GC or AT-rich templates
– Extreme sensitivity – increased limit of detection
– Allows for standard and fast cycling
– Compatible with most qPCR machines (see FAQs)

– Absolute quantification
– Gene expression analysis
– Diagnostic real-time PCR
– Low-copy number target genes
– Multiplex or singleplex

Xpert Fast Probe is supplied in multiples of 1mL, for your convenience!

Xpert Fast Probe is supplied as a convenient 2x mastermix containing all required components except specific primers. 1mL is enough for 100 reactions of 20μl. The mastermix is supplied with a separate vial of 100X (50µM) ROX solution. Depending on the PCR equipment (see FAQs), prior to use, one should add 2µl of ROX (LowROX (final concentation of 50nM), 20µl (HighROX (final concentation of 500nM)), or nothing (No ROX). Once ROX has been added, the mastermix might be used immediately or stored at -20ºC.

-20ºC for at least 1 year

GE30.0100 Xpert Fast Probe (Uni) 1mL
GE30.5100 Xpert Fast Probe (Uni) 5x 1mL
GE30.2501 Xpert Fast Probe (Uni) 25x 1mL


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