Υδατόλουτρα ψυχόμενα (Refrigerated baths)

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Αντλία ψύξης 10°C κάτω από τη θερμοκρασία περιβάλλοντος

This instrument allows cooling a water bath (via a thermostat) at temperatures below ambient temperature. This is made possible by reducing the temperature by 10%, thus allowing to perform the test without having to resort to more expensive and bulky machines. Simply connect it to a water bath and it will start to lower the temperature of the liquid inside. The instrument comes with a KIT for connecting to the tank. Features
  • Outer structure made of steel painted with anti-acid epoxy powder coating
  • Compact
  • Self-priming pump
  • Can be connected to any bath
  • Pump can be excluded
  • Liquid inlet and outlet connection of Ø12mm
  • Temperature can be reduced by 10°C
  • • Connection kit included

Ψυχόμενο υδατόλουτρο Peltier 15 lt – WB-MC

Operating temperature from 10°C to 80°C Cooling by means of Peltier technology Excellent precision guaranteed by the internal retractable recirculation pump Temperature can be set and controlled via a digital thermostat with PID controller and PT100 probe. Digital timer for effective management of test duration. Structure made of sheet steel painted with anti-acid epoxy powder coating Tanks made of 18/8 sheet steel moulded in one piece The instrument comes with an adjustable safety thermostat (Safety Class 3.1)