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Natural ventilation incubator of 120 lt with ramps – ICT-R 120T

 Natural ventilation incubator of 120 lt, programmable with ramps.

Falc Incubators are mainly for microbiologic fields to monitor the temperature stability samples at 37°C using natural ventilation not to compromise them. These models create correct microclimate suitable for microorganisms’ cultures without changing surrounding conditions.

Working temperature, instead of ovens, is below 80°C.

Unlike of mini-incubators, big ovens have double door in temperate glass to inspect samples, so you can open the external door with the high-quality performance.

Programmable incubators with ramps can be set up to 20 ramps of 8 temperatures and lengths of time.

Natural ventilation incubator of 2400 lt with ramps – ICT-R 240T

Natural ventilation incubator of 240 lt, programmable with ramps.

Falc Incubators are mainly for microbiologic fields to monitor the temperature stability samples at 37°C using natural ventilation not to compromise them. These models create correct microclimate suitable for microorganisms’ cultures without changing surrounding conditions.

Working temperature, instead of ovens, is below 80°C.

Unlike of mini-incubators, big ovens have double door in temperate glass to inspect samples, so you can open the external door with the high-quality performance.

Programmable incubators with ramps can be set up to 20 ramps of 8 temperatures and lengths of time.

Refrigerated incubator 52 lt for applications from 0 to 100°C – ICT-C 52

Refrigerated incubator of 52 lt can be used for application from 0°C.

Falc refrigerated incubators are laboratory instruments for cultivation of cells, tissues and microorganisms in controlled conditions of temperature. These applications need microclimate lower than room temperature, so it necessary to have a refrigerated system.

Working temperature can be set from 0 to 100 °C, instead of standard incubators.

These refrigerated incubators are used with an included software and USB to download data.

Thermostatic refrigerators for BOD applications – FTF 180

Thermostatic refrigerators of 260 lt – FTF 220

Falc thermostatic refrigerators for BOD applications are incubators working below room temperature.

Instead of other refrigerators, they are developed for BOD applications (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) to analyze quality of water at 20°C for some days, evaluating aerobic microorganisms’ capacity to decompose organic substances.

It is due to sockets inside the chamber to connect jar testers, necessary to test and regulate quantity of chemical substances to reach desired results.

Thermostatic refrigerators for BOD applications – FTF 220

Falc thermostatic refrigerators for BOD applications are incubators working below room temperature.

Instead of other refrigerators, they are developed for BOD applications (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) to analyze quality of water at 20°C for some days, evaluating aerobic microorganisms’ capacity to decompose organic substances.

It is due to sockets inside the chamber to connect jar testers, necessary to test and regulate quantity of chemical substances to reach desired results.

Ψυχόμενος Επωαστικός Θάλαμος, τύπος ICT-C 240

 Ο Ψυχόμενος Επωαστικός Θάλαμος τύπου ICT-C 240, του οίκου Falc Ιταλίας δημιουργεί το σωστό μικροκλίμα, κατάλληλο για καλλιέργειες μικροοργανισμών, χωρίς να αλλάζει τις συνθήκες του περιβάλλοντος. Είναι μία στιβαρής κατασκευής συσκευή, όπου η εξωτερική του δομή είναι επικαλυμμένη με εποξική βαφή και ο εσωτερικός θάλαμος είναι από ανοξείδωτο χάλυβα 18/8. Διαθέτη εσωτερική πόρτα από γυαλί και γρήγορο και ισχυρό σύστημα ψύξης με την θερμοκρασία λειτουργίας από 0°C έως 100°C. Ο θερμοστάτης της συσκευής είναι ψηφιακός, εύκολα ρυθμιζόμενος με δυνατότητα παρακολούθησης όλων των παραμέτρων (Περιλαμβάνεται λογισμικό και USB). Διαθέτει ανάλυση θερμοκρασίας 0,1οC και σταθερότητα θερμοκρασίας ±0,2οC.  Το άνοιγμα της καμινάδας είναι χειροκίνητο, ενώ ανήκει στην κλάση ασφαλείας 3.1 με οπτικοακουστικά προειδοποιητικά μηνύματα για υψηλή ή χαμηλή θερμοκρασία, ανοιχτή πόρτα συσκευής, καθώς και βλάβη θερμομέτρου.

Ψυχόμενος κλίβανος επώασης 120 lt – τύπου ICT-AR120T

Refrigerated incubator of 120 lt – ICT-AR 120T

Refrigerated incubator of 120 lt can be used for applications below room temperature. Falc Incubators are mainly for microbiologic fields to monitor the temperature stability samples at 37°C using Peltier ventilation to work also at below room temperature. These models create correct microclimate suitable for microorganisms’ cultures without changing surrounding conditions. Working temperature, instead of ovens, is below 80°C. Unlike of mini-incubators, big ovens have double door in temperate glass to inspect samples, so you can open the external door with the high-quality performance. Programmable refrigerated incubators with ramps can be set up to 20 ramps of 8 temperatures and lengths of time.

Ψυχόμενος κλίβανος επώασης 120 lt, τύπου ICT-A

Η συσκευή Cooling Incubator τύπου ICT-A είναι μία στιβαρή κατασκευή όπου η εξωτερική του δομή είναι επικαλυμμένη με εποξική βαφή. Ο εσωτερικός θάλαμος είναι από ανοξείδωτο χάλυβα 18/8. Διαθέτη εσωτερική πόρτα από γυαλί με διπλό κλείδωμα για καλύτερη θερμομόνωση.

Ψυχόμενος κλίβανος επώασης 120 lt, τύπου ICT-A 52T

Refrigerated incubator of 52 lt with ramps – ICT-A 52T

Refrigerated incubator of … lt programmable with ramps can be used for applications below room temperature. Falc Incubators are mainly for microbiologic fields to monitor the temperature stability samples at 37°C using Peltier ventilation to work also at below room temperature. These models create correct microclimate suitable for microorganisms’ cultures without changing surrounding conditions.   Working temperature, instead of ovens, is below 80°C. Unlike of mini-incubators, big ovens have double door in temperate glass to inspect samples, so you can open the external door with the high-quality performance. request a quote

Ψυχόμενος κλίβανος επώασης 52 lt – τύπου ICT-AR52T

Refrigerated incubator of 52 lt can be used for applications below room temperature. Falc Incubators are mainly for microbiologic fields to monitor the temperature stability samples at 37°C using Peltier ventilation to work also at below room temperature. These models create correct microclimate suitable for microorganisms’ cultures without changing surrounding conditions. Working temperature, instead of ovens, is below 80°C. Unlike of mini-incubators, big ovens have double door in temperate glass to inspect samples, so you can open the external door with the high-quality performance. Programmable refrigerated incubators with ramps can be set up to 20 ramps of 8 temperatures and lengths of time.